Becca Browder
As a member of the SpaceX mission management team, Becca has a hybrid systems engineering/program management role where she owns various aspects of customer missions, including test plans, verifications and operations. She graduated from MIT in 2021 with a dual degree in TPP and AeroAstro, where she studied the economic viability of commercial spaceports and the science and technology planning of lunar exploration alongside Dr. Dava Newman (TPP/AeroAstro) and Dr. Ariel Ekblaw (Media Lab). Becca’s prior experience spans the range of engineering, policy and business at Made In Space, Deloitte Consulting, the Commercial Spaceflight Federation, Boeing, and others. Although originally from Texas, she got her undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Oklahoma. In her spare time, Becca prefers to be underwater or at least near the ocean.